The Warwick Valley Prevention Coalition & Warwick Valley School District invite you to a Trunk or Treat!
11:00am to 2:00pm
Warwick Valley High School parking lot
Admission is $5 per person
Please use the sign up genius link below to select a time slot, so they can keep track of how many people are coming per half hour.
Parking will be at the middle school. You will then be directed to walk up the path to the high school parking lot where you will pay your admission fee. There will be trunks for Trick-or-Treating, music, arts and crafts as well as costume contests, trunk contests and more.
If you'd like to decorate a trunk please use the QR Code located on the flyer.
Any donations will be greatly appreciated.
Warwick High School Parking Lot
89 Sanfordville Road
Warwick NY 10990
The Warwick Valley Coalition is a group of concerned citizens working to engage parents, youth and community partners in reducing the use of alcohol, marijuana and other drugs amongst minors in Warwick using evidence-based and promising practices and environmental strategies.