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May the road rise up to meet you at Mattingly's Tavern, for their celebration of Ireland's Patron Saint, featuring bagpiper Coreyanne Armstrong.
Thursday, March 17th
5:00 to 8:00pm
Good friends, Guinness, Jameson, Corned Beef, & Bagpipes. What else can one ask for on St. Patrick's Day?
Get Your Game On at Mattingly’s Tavern.
Mattingly’s Tavern
16-18 North Main Street
Florida, NY
#StPatricksDay #StPatrick #Irish #GetYourIrishOn#KissMeImIrish #CoreyanneArmstrong #MattinglysTavern#Guinness #Jameson #CornedBeef #FloridaNY #WarwickNY#OrangeCountyNY #HudsonValley