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Seward Day Parade

The Florida Historical Society has been celebrating "William Henry Seward Day" for many years and this year, they will be celebrating it in a new and exciting way...with a Seward Day Parade!

Saturday, May 14th

Many groups and organizations will be dressed in 1800's attire. The parade will include re-enactors dressed as William, his wife Frances and even President Lincoln! There is a large group of young historians who have joined the Society. In honor of a a number of Civil War soldiers buried in the Florida Cemetery, the boys in the young historians will be dressed as Civil War soldiers. The girls in the Young Historians will be dressed as "first ladies" to the Presidents around the time of Seward and President Lincoln.

After the parade there will be old time games for the children, a whiskers and beard contest, a wreath ceremony at Seward's monument and time to talk to guest legislators, Abe Lincoln and our re-enactors.

Parade will step off from Cohen Circle at 10:00am.

Cohen Circle
N. Main Street
Florida, NY


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