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BENDY is back. BENDY EFFECT plays its funky mix of Rock and Blues at Mattingly's Tavern this Saturday.
Saturday, October 15th
Have Fun and check-out some of the Hudson Valley best musicians including guitarist, John Bendy who, along with bass guitar virtuoso Mike Bendy, Michael Purcell on keyboard, and the incomparable percussionist Kenrick McBean, are BENDY EFFECT.
Get Your Game On at Mattingly’s Tavern.
Mattingly’s Tavern
16-18 North Main Street
Florida, NY
#LiveMusic #Rock #Blues #Funk #BendyEffect #Mattingly #Mattinglys #MattinglysTavern#WhereFriendsMeet #GastroPub #FloridaNY #HudsonValley #HudsonValleyMusic