How did the women of Warwick contribute to the Revolutionary cause What were their lives like?
Sunday, May 21st
4:00 to 6:00pm
Performance 6:30pm
Please join the Friends of Hathorn House to explore the many ways in which “the ladies” helped during the war and suffered its hardships, and demonstrations of military life by Hathorn’s Minutemen and the 5th NY Regiment.
Volunteers and historical organizations will be on-site outdoors with hands-on activities and demonstrations from 4-6 PM at the Gen. John Hathorn house historic site for this free family-friendly event, thanks to the generosity of owners of The Old Stone House Inn.
A Revolution of Her Own!™ Deborah Sampson”
Join Judith Kalaora of History At Play ™, LLC for a living history performance chronicling the life of Deborah Sampson; the first woman to enlist, fight, and be honorably discharged from the American Military during the Revolutionary War. Sponsored by the Albert Wisner Public Library.
Pre-Event celebration: DEDICATION OF THE PATRIOT MEMORIAL WALK OF HONOR AT 3:00pm, followed by “toasts & libations”.
Friends of Hathorn House Historical Society
Minisink Chapter, National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution
Friends of Sterling Forest
Warwick Historical Society
Hathorn’s Minutemen, the 5th NY Regiment, and the Navasing Long Rifles Reenactment Units
Drew Shuptar Rayvis, Cultural Ambassador of the Pocomoke Indian Nation
The Old Stone House Inn
Friends of Hathorn House historical society
Albert Wisner Public Library
Hudson River Valley National Heritage Area
Gen. John Hathorn Historic Site aka Old Stone House Inn
21 Hathorn Road
Warwick NY