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A family-friendly day hosted by Warwick Valley Community Center and Living Well GSA, celebrating the LGBTQ+ community and allies.
Sunday, June 12th
11:00am to 4:00pm
11:00am rainbow bagel brunch and DJ Skyhook, parade art making tables, support and resource tablesat Warwick Valley Community Center.
12.30 - Acting Out Playhouse will performs.
1:30pm - Parade steps off, visiting Railroad Green and Main Street before returning to WVCC.
2:45pm - Pride Show featuring MC Drag Queens Eve Starr & Evita Loca, and So You Think You Can Drag, amateur drag show, Speakers, and Open Mic.
Queries or to register a float contact: WVCC @ (845) 986 6422
Warwick Valley Community Center
11 Hamilton Avenue
Warwick, NY